Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Four Noble Elements (The Beginning) Part I

October 23rd 2003, Tokyo

There are two scientists who worked in a university on Tokyo. That's Tokyo University. The two scientists are Kenji Tanoshi and Hikari Aibara. They are biology scientists. They are researching to find how can human adapt on extreme environtment, such as the extremely hot weather ad the extremely cold weather.
Kenji : "How about the process of the substance forming?"
Hikari: "All look like normally. But, do you sure that this substance can be applied on human kind?"
Kenji :"We have tried it to many kinds of mamalia. And the fact, their adaptation ability increase up to 88%"
Hikari : "Isn't it to rising if human try using this substance?"
Kenji :"Don't you remember??? Mamalia animal and human are a similiar system."
Hikari :"This substance will be ready in five days"
Kenji :"Good! Then I will try it my self...."
Hikari :"I also want to try it, but where?"
Kenji :"I am going to north pole!"
Hikari :"If so, I am going to Himalaya mountain range"
Kenji :"I have been unpatient. If we are successful, can you imagine that human will be able to adapt on very extremely hot or cold condition"

Kenji looked like very optimistic with his researching, but Hikari was still doubt. Finally, after five days, the substance had been ready on processig. Kenji called the substance as "X-Formula". Two of them brought their own formula. Finally Kenji went to north pole by using aeroplane. So did Hikari.

Several hours later, Kenji arrived in north pole. But, Hikari looked having a problem. When Hikari was driving her aeroplane, suddenly her aeroplane was out of fuel. So that, her aeroplane crashed on a mountain range in China. Finally, a Chinese adventurer helped her. The man was Hammon Lee. The man was very upset when he realized that the girl was Japanese. But it's no problem for the man. Lee could speak Japanese. Finally, Lee asked to the Japanese girl.

Lee : "Are you all right?"
Hikari : "I'm all right. My aeroplane was out of fuel"
Lee : "I'm Hammon Lee. Nice to meet you"
Hikari :"I'm Hikari Aibara. Nice to meet you too"
Lee :"Where is your destination?"
Hikari :"I want to go to Himalaya mountain range"
Lee :"May I follow you? I'm a climber"
Hikari:"Of, course. Thanks"
Lee: "If I can know, what is your intention by goint to Himalaya mountain range?"
Hikari :"I and my partner are researching to increase the adaptation ability of human on very extremely hot or cold weather"
Lee :"Wow, great!!!"
Hikari : "We have made a formula. We have tried it to some animals and the result is quite successful. But I'm still doubt if the formula is tried to human."
Lee : "Why?"
Hikari :"Gen structure of human and animals are different, althought the anatomy and fisiology are similiar"

Lee began interested with Hikari on the journey. Finally, they arrived around Himalaya mountain range. They had been ready to take climbing. But, when Hikari would use the X-formula, suddenly Lee stopped her.
Lee :"Hikari, let me try the formula"
Hikari :"I can't do that. It will take a risk for you"
Lee :"You are not sure with the formula, aren't you? So, let me to try it"
Hikari :"Yes, I really still doubt. But..."
Lee :"Let me try it. I'm glad to help you."
Hikari :"All right!!! But if you feel the strange indication, please tell me!"
Finally Lee was injected with the formula. Lee looked like very well. They even continued their journey. After they had climbed several hours, they taken a rest for a momet. Finally, Hikari asked.
Hikari :"Do you feel very hot in here?"
Lee :"No, I feel normally"
Hikari :"Are you tired?"
Lee :"No, I'm not tired. I fell all right. Never better like this"
Hikari :"It must be caused by the formula that you used. So that, you can adapt easily"
Lee :"So, are your researching successful?"
Hikari :" I hope so"
In the north pole, Kenji was walking on the very extremely cold weater. Kenji walked silently and he looked enjoying the cold weater with snow storm.
Kenji :"Yeah, I'm successful! I don't feel serious cold. I must tell it to the world"
Then Kenji ran very fast because he was very glad. But, he ran to the wrong way. Kenji ran to the ravine. When he had realized, suddenly he stopped his step and he slipped. Kenji even falled in the very extremely cold water.
Lee and Hikari was enjoying the journey in Himalaya mountain range. Suddenly, very terrible earthquake happen. The earthquake made the ground surface that they stood was crack. Two of them slipped. They almost falled and hanging on the rope. Hikari was on upper position and Lee was on far down position below. The rope that they was hang on would be broke off. Realizing this condition, Lee intended to cut the rope.
Hikari :"Don't do that!!!"
Lee :"The rope is over weight limit. I have do this or we could fall"
Hikari :"No...."
Finally, Lee cut the rope and he even falled on the extremely hot volcano. How about Kenji and Lee???
To Be Continued.......

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