Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Four Noble Elements (The Beginning) Part II

Hikari continued her journey. She was very sad because she lost her friend. She tried to back, but she looked like be lost. She was be lost in a forest. Suddenly, a group of bad guys came to her. Hikari looked very scared while moving backward slowly.
Hikari :"What do you want? Don't disturb me!!!"
One of bad guys :"You must follow us!!! If you don't, you will die!"
Hikari :"I don't think so!!!"
Hikari even ran fastly. She was very scared. Then The bad guys ran following her. "Don't run!!", one of the bad buys screamed. When the bad guys almost had been able to take her, suddenly at the ground that they stood up, the sharp stones appeared. So that, the bad guys threw away very far because of stone striking.
"Are you all right???", a young lady asked Hikari.
"Thank you. But who are you?", Hikari asked back.
"Let me introduce my self. My name is Fei Sheng Yen. You can call me Fei", the young lady answered.
(The Young Lady spoke to Hikari by using Japanese)
Fei :"Why do you come to this forest alone???"
Hikari :"I'm lost my way. I'm researching."
Fei :"If so, follow with me. It will almost be night. Danger in here!!!"
Hikari :"All right. Thank you very much"
Two of them even went out from the forest. After several minutes had been spent, they finally stopped in a rest place.
Fei :"It is my house! For a certain time, stay in here!"
Hikari :"Thank's. I'm sorry. If I can ask you something...What kind of power do you have for beating the bad guys?"
Fei :"Good question! I used the power of nature"
Hikari :"Great!!! Did you own the power since you was born?"
Fei :"No, I got this power because I was training hard by taking meditation seriously"
Hikari :"According to you, everybody can own the power of nature?"
Fei :"Correct! The important point is will"
Hikari :"Wind in here is very smooth"
Fei :"Oh, would you like to train controling wind?"
Hikari :"Of course, would you like to teach me?"
Fei :"Of course. We will start training tomorrow morning. Now you had better take a rest."
The Next Day...
Fei :"Are you ready?"
Hikari :"Of course. I'm ready now. What must I do?"
Fei :"The first, you have to train focusing your mind by taking meditation. Something that you have to do is just feeling wind touching from nature"
Hikari even started taking meditation. At first, she looked having trouble. But Hikari still tried it. Slowly she could found the peace of mind. She looked very quiet by feeling wind. Hikari was enjoying her meditation. Several hours later....
Fei :"How about your meditation?"
Hikari :"Very good! I feel joining with the power of nature"
Fei :"Good, something that you have to do next is training the power to import wind."
Then, Hikari trained by instruction of Fei. The exercise that Hikari did was flying leaves. In the beginning, Hikari looked having trouble. But, Hikari still focused. Slowly, she could fly leaves in the air. Hikari continued training. Hikari tried to develop her ability.
Several days later...
Fei :"Be ready Hikari!!! It is the last form of exercise"
Hikari :"What exercise?"
Fei :"The ability of controlling wind from nature"
Two of them went to the area that wind ran very fast. Hikari started training to control wind. Exercise by exercise she did seriously. But, finaly Hikari could get the power of wind.
On one night, Hikari and Fei watched news on television. The news taker said like this :
"Several days ago, the scientists found a human corpse of Japanese man on north pole. And the fact, medical team said that the Japanese was still life. The medical team also said that body tools of the Japanese was still working. Unbelieveable!!! In the fact, the temperature of the Japanese was reaching -273.16 C when he was found. Now, the Japanese who is known as Kenji Tanoshi is treating in the Washington Health Hospital, Washington D.C, USA"
"Unbelieveable!!! The similiar event happened. A human corpse was found on the frozen larva. But the medical team concluded that the man was still life. And the strange point, the medical team also said that there was not broken body tools in the man's body. Now, the man is treating in Washington Health Hospital, Washington D.C, USA"
Hikari was very upset hearing the news.
Hikari :"Oh, my god. Lee is still life!"
Fei :"Are they your friends?"
Hikari :"Kenji is my partner in researching project and Lee is the man who helped me climbing mountain. But Lee falled on the larva because of helping me"
Fei :"You should meet them!"
Hikari :"But, would you like to accompany me to go there?"
Fei :"I'd love to. I'm curious with this event!"
Finaly, Hikari and Fei went to Beijing city, China. Then they used aeroplane to go to USA.
In the fact, Kenji and Lee are still life. Does X-formula cause all of these events??? How about Kenji and Lee?? Are they all right?"
To Be Continued.......

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