Friday, February 20, 2009

Four Noble Elements (The Beginning) Part III

Finally, Hikari and Fei arrived at Washington Health Hospital. They directly went to the room that Kenji and Lee had been treated. At first, they visited Kenji. On that time, Kenji had been concious.
Hikari :"Kenji, how about your condition?"
Kenji :"I'm all right now."
Hikari :"Let me introduce my friend, Fei Sheng Yen."
Kenji :"Hi, nice to meet you."
Fei :"Nice to meet you too."
Hikari :"What happened with you in the north pole?"
Kenji :"On that time, I was running in hurry. I was so glad because our made formula had been successful. But I ran to wrong way and slipped to the ravine. It is impossible that the formula caused me still life. So, how about you???"
Hikari :"My plane was out of fuel. So my plane crashed in China. Someone that called Hammon Lee helped me. He didn't only help me climbing in Himalaya mountain range, but he also wished to try the formula. When we was climbing in the mountain, suddenly earthquake happened. Because of helping me, he falled into the lava. In the fact, he is still life now. Lee is in beside room."
Kenji :"Unbelieveable!!! The typical quality of the formula is better than I guess. So what's next?"
Hikari :"I lost my way in the jungle. I also met a group of bad guys. But Fei helped me quickly. I had been living on Fei's home for a week. When we was watching news on TV, we directly came to here to meet you and Lee."
Kenji :"Fei, thanks for helping Hikari."
Fei :"Don't mention it!"
Hikari :"I and Fei will visit Lee, do you want to follow us?"
Kenji :"Of course, I'm extremely boring in here!"

Three of them went to Lee's room. Lee looked still sleeping. Whwn Lee had begun wake up, Hikari started conversation.
Hikari :"Hi, Lee. How about your condition?"
Lee :"I don't believe that I'm still life now."
Hikari :"Thanks for helping me. Oh, let me introduce my partner in research project, Kenji Tanoshi!"
Lee :"Nice to meet you!"
Kenji :"Thanks for helping Hikari"
Hikari :"And it is my friend, Fei Sheng Yen."
Lee :"Nice to meet you."
Fei :"You can call me... Fei"
Hikari :"She helped me when I was being running after by bad guys."
Lee :"Thank you, Fei....What??? You was being runngin after by bad guys???"

Lee was very upset. And his hands suddenly shot fire. All sides of the room were burned immediately.
Hikari :"Help, fire....!!!"
Kenji :"Hikari, watch out....the fire!!!"

Suddenly, Kenji hand's shot great spin water so that, the fire could be off. They was confuse because of the strange event.
Fei :"What happened in here?"
Lee:"I don't know. I was just upset. Suddenly, my hands shot great fire without my command."
Hikari :"So did you???"
Kenji :"I'm still confuse. I was just upset looking at the fire and trying to help you. Suddenly, my hands shot water."
Hikari :"It must be caused by the X-formula."
Fei :"According to me, you have to train controlling your power!"
Kenji :"Fei is right. Lee, you had better stay in the laboratory for a certain time. I also must recheck about these effects."
Hikari :"I also will help you."

In the laboratory, Kenji and Lee trained controlling their powers. In the first, Lee had been in problem to control his fire power. Kenji also had been in problem with his water power. But, finally they could assimilate their selves with their own powers. Suddenly, Kenji remembered : there was something that he hadn't thought about the formula.....
Kenji :"Hikari, you are right. Thaere is one different thing between animals and humans."
Hikari :"Do you remember now?"
Kenji :"The anatomy may be similiar, but the gen.....extremely different."
Hikari : "Do you know something?"
Kenji :"I have checked. My gen and Lee's gen had have mutation. Out gen structure became very complicated."
Hikari :"What??? You had mutation...."
Kenji :"Need long time to learn our genetic structure. But I will try."

Four of them was watching TV. They was watching news. A news taker said :
"Yesterday morning, the terrific ground disaster happened in east of Washington City. The ground disaster had made a villa closed by the ground and stones. A tens of people is being trapped in that villa."

Fei :"I have to help them!"
Hikari :"Is it all right if you show your power?"
Fei :"The power should be used to help other people, not only to be saved."
Kenji :"What power does she have?"
Hikari :"Look it your self."

Fei went to the location immediately. Fei directly used her power to control ground and rocks. Fei moved ground and rocks away from the villa. Fei did that easily, althought It spent a more time. Kenji, Hikari, and Lee backed to watch news.
"Good news, it's very strange. Why did the ground and rocks that closed the villa suddenly are disappear??? Someone have moved the ground and rocks. But is it impossible to move ground and rocks in the short time?"
"We are back to Washington, the great tornado is acting. Washingston in danger!!!"

Hikari :"It is my turn!"
Lee :"Do you also have power?"
Hikari :"Look it your self."

Hikari went to the location immediately. She looked at the tornado in the long distance. Hikari used her power to endure the tornado movement. Hikari endured it quite long. Finally, Hikari tried to separate the components of the tornado steadly. Tornado was down slowly and disappear.

"Good news, why are the great tornado disappear misteriously??? It is a strange event. Ok, never mind. The important point is The Washington have saved. Go to other news, Fuji mountain in Japan suddenly exploded. And the bad news, this explotion looked have the bigger power....hundred times power bigger....."

Lee :"Hikari, you are great!"
Kenji :"It's urgent!!! Japan in danger!!!"
Lee :"You are right. We must take action.."

To be Continued.....

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