Monday, February 23, 2009


Yokohama, March 4th 1999

In a football club, was helding new member registration. The football club was called as Kyouhetsu team. The club had many interested person. One of them was Ichiro Shimada. He intended to be a goalkeeper. Everybody who signs up, must pass the examination in order to be accepted in the club.

Approximately 200 people joined the examination. In the fact, Ichiro had just known that there was not a registration for goalkeeper position. It made him very upset. Finally, he decided to be a striker. The test started immediately. The contestants had been divided in two teams, then they fighted. In the match, Ichiro had a problem to get the ball. He looked for empty space to receive a ball transfer. Then his partner transfered ball to Ichiro. Ichiro moved forward immediately, and shot the ball. But, the ball hit the pole of goal post and reflected back to Ichiro. He even gave ball transfer to left direction. His partner received ball and shot.....GOAL!!! Ichiro's team got score. The match started back. In that time, two players were struggled with the ball. Suddenly, Ichiro came attacking the ball and drive it. He still ran into in front of the goal post, then he kicked the ball.....And GOAL!!! Ichiro was succesful creating goal. The match was finished by score 2-0 for Ichiro's team.
When all contestans had finished taking examination, the committee evaluated. In fact, only 30 people who passed the examination. Finally the leader of committee read the name of the contestants who had passed the test, "Siratori, Nakazawa, Aimosaki, .... , .... , Ichiro, .....". Hearing the announcement, Ichiro was very happy knowing that he had passed the test.

Committee Leader :"Congratulation, you passed the test! Let me introduce the trainer of Kyouhetsu Club, Hitoshi Yurosaki. He is your trainer."
Hitoshi :"Welcome in Kyouhetsu club. You must train seriously if you still want to be in this club. You will have the very extremely hard training. If you feel doubt, you can go from here!!! We don't need the weak player!!!"

No one answered the statement. All of them looked intending to be a good player. Then the trainer continued his talk.
Hitoshi :"Now, I will tell you the player position. Goalkeeper : Aimosaki, Left Striker : Siratori, Right Striker : Nakazawa, Main Striker : Ichiro,....... Those are your position, have a nice training!"

After the trainer had finished talking, Ichiro tried to adapt with his new environment. Ichiro talked to his new friends. Ichiro went home at 6 pm. In the journey to his house, he met his friend, Yumeko Kurosaki. Yumeko was a pretty and kind girl.

Yumeko :"Ichiro, what about your test result?"
Ichiro :"I passed the test and accepted in Kyouhetsu football club."
Yumeko :"Congratulation..."
Ichiro :"But I'm not a goal keeper."
Yumeko :"Why??? Isn't that a position you liked?"
Ichiro :"There was not goalkeeper registration. Finally, I decided to be a striker."
Yumeko :"Why didn't you join with the other club?"
Ichiro :"Kyouhetsu club is a extremely strong club and it often wins the championship. It's the fact if you would like to succesfull, you should learn from the stronger one."
Yumeko :"You are right! But you should struggle your dream to be a good goalkeeper."
Ichiro :"Never mind. I am quite glad being a striker."
Yumeko :"I just want to say something to you : The determiner of your successful is not a strong club, but your own self is. Fight for your dream!"

After they had finished talking, they went home to their own homes. On the journey to home, Ichiro thought about Yumeko last sentences continously. "The determiner of your successful is not a strong club, but your own self is." Ichiro had been thinking the sentence for a night, but at tomorrow he forgot that. In the morning, he went to Kyouhetsu club for training. Ichiro was very enthusiastic taking his first training.

The training which Ichiro did was very complicated. Ichiro trained driving ball, transfering ball, and kicking ball. If there had been a little mistake, the trainer exactly would have blamed the players with the bad words. "Come on, Move Faster!!! You Look Like A Woman!!!" The sentences like that were often said by Hitoshi to his players. But training by training, Ichiro did seriously.

In the time, Kyouhetsu took the first match. Kyouhetsu team would fight against Kakisetsu team. Ichiro and his friends had ready to take this match.
Siratori :"Come on, let's start!!!"
Nakazawa :"We must Win!!!"
Ichiro :"Please the colloboration!"
Aimosaki :"Don't worry about the goal post. You three, just Attack!!!"
Hitoshi :"It is your first match. Show your ability!!!"
The match even started. At first, Kakisetsu team controlled the ball. Kakisetsu passed the defence of Kyouhetsu team immediately. Kakisetsu striker kicked the ball and....the ball was caught successfully by Aimosaki the goalkeeper. Aimosaki gave the ball to Kyouhetsu player. The ball is driven fastly and transfered to Ichiro. Ichiro ran to defence area of Kakisetsu. Then, Ichiro shot the ball and....GOAL!!! Ichiro was successfully creating goal. "Great, Ichro!!!", Hitoshi screamed. Kyouhetsu was successfully adding two goals that had been created by Nakazawa and Siratori. The match was finished by score 3-0 for Kyouhetsu team.
Match by match were taken by Kyouhetsu team continously. Many kinds of victory had been gotton by Kyouhetsu team. Ichiro even been a famous striker. Kyouhetsu team had been a very strong team.
Finally, Kyouhetsu team faced final match with Seirachi team. The match started. Ichiro started driving ball, but could be snatched away by Seirachi player. Ichiro player moved forward fastly. Then he shot the ball. The ball moved extremely fast and could not reached by Aimosaki....GOAL!!! Seirachi team got one score. The score of 1-0 was still constant until the end of second round.
It looked being a difficult match. "Ichiro, what are you doing? Attack!!!", trainer of Hitoshi screamed. Seirachi team back attacked Kyouhetsu team defence. Ichiro was worried with the safety of the goal post. Ichiro ran to defence area. "Ichiro, that is not your business!!! You business is attacking!!!". But Ichiro did not obeyed the advice of his trainer. Seirachi team finally shot the ball to upper right corner of the goal post. The ball moved fastly. "Ichiro, release it!!! Let me catch the ball!!!", Amosaki screamed. But Ichiro jumped and endured the ball by his left leg. But the direction of the ball was changed to left way of the goal post....GOAL!!! Seirachi team got score. The match even finished by score 2-0 for Seirachi team....Ichiro didn't thought that it would have happened...

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